The clear and transparent sea of Dubai is one of the special tourist attractions of Dubai that many tourist company in Dubai try to use this God-given talent in a good way to attract tourists from all over the world. But what can be found in the world under Dubai and the UAE in general? Perhaps the first answer that comes to many people’s minds is oil.
In this article, we will introduce the fascinating underwater world. And we will show you what fish you can see or catch, as well as which fish is the tastiest and most expensive in the Dubai fish market.

Underwater Environment in Dubai

Seeing the fish in the aquarium may be interesting, but when you go underwater and discover new and strange things, I think it’s much more interesting. You may not believe it, but I became addicted to this fun after my first experience of diving in the sea of Dubai. To the extent that I have now become a professional diver and travel to different countries to discover more facts.

The underwater environment around Dubai offers a broad range of marine life as well as intriguing underwater features, in addition to a multitude of fish species. Among the things you may come upon when investigating the waterways in and around Dubai are:

Coral Reefs

Coral Reefs underwater in Dubai
An undersea habitat that is home to corals that produce reefs is known as a coral reef. There are coral reefs in Dubai, and a variety of marine species is supported by these habitats. Both soft and hard corals are present, creating an undersea environment that is vivid and bright.

Sea Turtles

Turtles in Dubai

Sea turtles, including Hawksbill and Green turtles, may be seen in the waters around Dubai. These kind animals are frequently seen swimming close to reefs. If it is the first time you want to snorkel, don’t expect to see a big turtle on the first day, usually few of them come to the shore.


The waters surrounding Dubai are home to a variety of ray species. A variety of ray species, including eagle rays and stingrays, may be seen sliding across the water.


reef sharks in Dubai

Although there aren’t many deadly sharks in the seas surrounding Dubai, you can come across lesser species like reef sharks. This type of shark does not swim along the beach and is usually seen in the middle of the sea and does not pose any danger to humans, especially divers.

Seahorses and Pipefish

Seahorses in Dubai

These unusual and frequently disguised animals can be found close to seagrass beds or other appropriate environments.

Crustaceans and Invertebrates

Crustaceans in Dubai sea

Invertebrates such as mollusks and crustaceans inhabit the seabed and coral formations.

Underwater Caves and Canyons

There are places with intriguing underwater structures like caves and canyons, albeit they are not as numerous as in some other diving spots.

Type of Fish in Dubai


The Persian Gulf is home to this well-liked reef fish, which local fishermen often catch.


Sport fisherman in the area chase after this swift and strong fish.


Barracudas are elongated fish with keen teeth that are typically found close to coral reefs.


The waters surrounding Dubai are home to a variety of snapper species, such as the Red Snapper and the Emperor Snapper.


A kind of pelagic fish that inhabits open waters and is frequently found close to infrastructure like oil rigs.


Sport fisherman are drawn to these well-liked game fish. Their usual habitat is further offshore seas.


By eating algae, parrotfish—which are renowned for their vivid colors—help to preserve the health of coral reefs.


Triggerfish, which are distinguished by their distinctive form and vivid colors, are frequently observed close to coral reefs.

These are but a few instances of the abundant variety of marine life found in the seas surrounding Dubai, which also includes tiny reef fish, sharks, and rays. Divers and snorkelers may discover the undersea environment and take in the amazing marine species of the area. Remember that seasons, water temperatures, and environmental variables can all affect the availability of certain fish species.

Most Expensive and delicious fish in Dubai

Fish’s value and flavor might be arbitrary, as people have different tastes. Certain fish, on the other hand, are more expensive because they are in great demand and are typically thought to be more delectable. The market value of certain fish may be influenced, not just in Dubai but also in many other places, by variables including availability, seasonal fluctuations, and fishing laws.

Kingfish is another fish that sport fisherman chase for in addition to being prized for its flavor. It’s a popular for grilling and barbecuing because of its solid structure and mild flavor.
It is noteworthy that other aspects, like size, freshness, and cooking technique, can also affect how valuable and tasty a fish is regarded to be. Residents and tourists may enjoy a wide variety of flavors from the sea thanks to the fresh catches that are frequently featured in Dubai’s local seafood markets and restaurants. It is advised that you sample a variety of meals and preparations of the local seafood in order to choose your specific favorites.

Final words

Now that you have almost obtained information about the underwater world of Dubai, we can say that you have passed the first stage and it is time to experience the underwater world for real. We offer you two different tours, a scuba diving for beginners and boat scuba diving tour which is in the deep sea and is very attractive for everyone.

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