Drone Racing


Winner Reward

Sign Up Fee



How do I register for the Drone Racing competition?

Registration is exclusively online. Visit our website, navigate to the registration page, and follow the simple steps to sign up for the event.

What is the entry fee for the competition?

The entry fee details can be found on the registration page of our website. Please check there for the most up-to-date information.

Is there a reward for the winner of the competition?

Yes, there is a reward for the winner of the Drone Racing competition. Details about the reward can be found on the prizes and awards section of our website.

What types of drones are allowed in the competition?

The competition is open to various types of drones. Please refer to the rules and regulations section on our website for specific details regarding eligible drones.

Are there age restrictions for participants?

The competition is open to participants of all ages. However, certain categories or divisions may have age specifications. Check the rules section for more information.

What is the competition format?

The competition format, including the number of races, rounds, and any knockout stages, will be outlined in the rules section of our website.

Are there any specific technical requirements for the drones?

Yes, there are specific technical requirements for drones participating in the competition. Please refer to the rules and regulations section for details on the specifications.

Can I bring my own drone batteries and charging equipment?

Participants are generally allowed to bring their own batteries and charging equipment. However, please review the rules to ensure compliance with safety standards.

Is there a pit area for participants to work on their drones?

Yes, there will be a designated pit area for participants to make adjustments and perform maintenance on their drones during the competition.

How are winners determined?

Winners are determined based on factors such as speed, accuracy, and adherence to competition rules. The specific criteria will be outlined in the rules section of our website.


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